Singh Gishatha


Gishatha Singh


Date of call



LLB – University of the Witwatersrand (with distinction)

LLM – University of the Witwatersrand


Gishatha was admitted to the Johannesburg Society of Advocates in December 2015. Prior to joining the Bar, Gishatha practised as an attorney at Werksmans and ENS, during which time she obtained experience in the areas of general commercial litigation, labour and employment law and all aspects of anti-corruption law.

Gishatha holds LLB and LLM degrees, both from the University of the Witwatersrand. The latter focused on the fields of company law, advanced contract law and information and privacy law.

Gishatha’s practice tends towards both private and public law. She advises and litigates in areas that include general commercial law, administrative law, constitutional law, labour and employment law, anti-corruption law, insolvency law and information and privacy law.

Gishatha has appeared in various fora, including: arbitrations, bargaining councils, the CCMA, the High Court, the Labour Court, the Supreme Court of Appeal and the Constitutional Court.

Gishatha is also committed to the efforts and broader objectives of the Bar and she has, over the years, assisted the transformation, pro-bono and pupillage committees. In addition, she assists in the training of pupils.

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